
Toolbox Tuesday: Mint.com


In running a business you need to be able to see where your money is going in order to balance your books. Mint allows you to track, budget and manage your money all in one place. Open an account, add your bank, credit, loan and retirement accounts and Mint will automatically pull in and categorize those transactions, so you can see where you’re spending and where you can save.

Mint is FREE, secure and easy to keep your personal & business finances organized. You can access your account from your iPhone, Android and the Web. Your information automatically syncs across devices, so you have your latest information at your fingertips.

What can you do with Mint:
• Mint automatically pulls in and categorizes your transactions daily.
• Mint creates a customized budget based on your actual spending and lets you track your progress.
• Set up bill reminders so you won’t miss important payment.
• Set goals and Mint will help you stick to your plan.
• Get alerts to notify you of fees, remind you to pay bills, and warn you if you’re going over budget.
• Track all your investments, including your 401k, brokerage accounts and IRAs.

As with all software, what works for others may not work for you, so be sure to fully test if you plan to put to use.

Try it out: https://mint.com/

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