
Need Office Space Try Co-working Space

Source: Flicker

It can be expensive for new businesses to find office space when they’re just starting, so allow me to introduce you to Co-Working space.

Co-Working space are the home to some amazing small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers who are serious about building their business. These spaces provide the opportunity to meet and network with innovative companies that share the same desire. It’s a shared working environment where like minded individuals meet to work on projects independently or collectively. These community workspace have membership fees with some locations allowing individuals to drop in on an as needed basis. 

5 Reason to check out co-working spaces

1. A place to meet clients
You may not have a physical location and need a place to meet. A coffee shop this go around won’t work, but with co-working spaces you have your own designated desk with access to amenities and a larger conference room if needed.

2. Collaborate on ideas
Like the old saying two heads are better than one. Especially when being around your creative peers.

3. Networking
You have the chance to be placed in contact with new clients and build new business relationships.

4. Improve productivity
Often times when like minded individuals are together productivity levels are increased.

5. Learn something new
Most spaces host monthly events and seminars from peers in your industry.

Need to get out of the office and get your juices flowing or away from certain distraction co-working space may just be your answer.

Find a co-working space near you: shareyouroffice.com and wework.com

Have you tried any co-working spaces let us know you about your experience?

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